10.00 €

• PDF of the lecture notes in English.
• 40 pages illustrated with 30 photos.
• Explanation of the Boris Wild Marked Deck + Explanation of the BW Memorized Deck + 6 incredible routines including “Miracle!“ and “Pure Telepathy“ as seen on French National television.
• PDF personally sent by email.
Boris Wild’s lecture notes on his world-famous Marked Deck
These lecture notes, featuring 40 pages illustrated by 30 photos, gather the effects performed by Boris Wild in his critically acclaimed lecture exclusively devoted to the Marked Deck. He explains here the concept of his system as well as six effects among the best he has created for his amazing tool.
Boris also describes in these notes his amazing BW Memorized Deck that you will be able to learn not in 6 weeks, 6 days or 6 hours but in 6 minutes! The method is so simple you will finally be able to perform the routines requiring this technique usually considered as too difficult.
• The Boris Wild Marked Deck concept
The original explanation of Boris Wild's marking system.
• Double Revelation
A memorization "tour de force" as easy to do as it is impressive for the audience.
• The Ideal Effect
A “pick a card” effect in the most impossible conditions.
• Inexplicable
A miraculous version of “The trick that can not be explained” by Dai Vernon.
• Peek Sandwich
A super clean “sandwich” effect. There is no way to make it more direct!
• The Boris Wild Memorized Deck
The detailed explanation of the Boris Wild Memorized Deck. In just a few minutes, you will be able to guess the position of any card in the deck or the identity of the card at any position!
• Miracle!
A very clean “Any Card At Any Number” routine.
• Pure Telepathy
An effect considered by many international experts as “one of the most beautiful card revelations in the world”.
This PDF is the ideal companion of The Boris Wild Marked Deck Phoenix Edition and The Boris Wild Marked Deck Bicycle Maiden Back Edition.

“The Boris Wild System is a marked deck for the 21st century. It's intelligent, unsuspecting, and it fooled me sooo bad! I love it!“ Joshua Jay
“For an easy and sure-fire way to read the back of any card in the deck, Boris' method is safe and unbeatable. I recommend it highly.“ Aldo Colombini
“Boris Wild has created a genuine masterpiece with his marked deck. You can do effects with it that you simply cannot do with any other marked deck.“ Jon Allen
“Boris Wild's beautiful card marking system is brilliantly constructed, surprisingly easy to use, and the top quality cards are printed by the best playing card manufacturers in the world. I’ll start with a dozen packs!“ Daryl
“Boris Wild's Marked Deck is one of the most ingenious and devious secret weapons of card magic.“ Richard Sanders
“The Boris Wild Marked Deck is the cleverest and most versatile marking system in existence today.“ Dan Garrett


The Boris Wild Marked Deck • Phoenix Edition (Red)

The Boris Wild Marked Deck • Phoenix Edition (Blue)

Set of 2 Boris Wild Marked Decks • Phoenix Edition (Red + Blue)
40.00€ 35.00€

The Boris Wild Marked Deck • Bicycle Maiden Back Edition

Pack Boris Wild Marked Deck + PDF Book Transparency
55.00€ 50.00€

2-DVD Set The Boris Wild Marked Deck Project

Pack of 4 Lecture Notes (PDF Versions)
45.00€ 35.00€